Performance Based Billing – Deferred

Please read this deferral notice about Performance Based Billing. It will be reviewed at our next AGM.

Performance Based Billing –
Deferral Notice

Dear Member,

This is to inform you that Performance Based Billing has been deferred, and will not be implemented as initially planned for January 2023. Ontario One Call will provide a recommendation on Performance Based Billing for review at the next Annual General Meeting in June 2023.

Please note, there will be NO change to the way membership fees are calculated. Your bill will continue to reflect the volume of notifications received only.

Performance Based Billing has been deferred to allow Ontario One Call to focus internal resources on priority projects underpinning its transition from service provider to regulator.  As always, Members should continually monitor their locate performance to make sure they stay in compliance with our Act. Ontario One Call will continue to share industry performance data with stakeholders through our website.

Please share this email with the appropriate parties within your organization.

Questions? Please contact

The Ontario One Call Team
844-257-9490 ext. 8809

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